Oil Facts Handout
Oil gets dirty but it never wears out!You can make a difference!
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Did you know that 706 million gallons of oil enter the ocean each year, mostly from non-accidental sources? 363 million gallons, over one-half, comes from used engine oil improperly disposed of and oil run-off from municipal and industrial wastes.
Fact: Americans carelessly dispose 35 times the amount of oil per year that was spilled in the entire Valdez spill!
Fact: More than half of Americans change their own oil but only one-third of it is collected and recycled.
Fact: 4 million gallons of used oil are unaccounted for by Virginia residents who change their own oil.
Fact: 6 million oil filters are improperly disposed of each year in Virginia alone.
Fact: There are 6 - 8 oz. of oil in each used filter.
Fact: If we recycled all of our used oil, we could save the U.S. 2.3 million barrels of oil/day.
Fact: It takes forty-two gallons of crude oil, but only one gallon of used oil to produce 2.5 quarts of new lubricating oil.
Six main sources of oil pollution in millions of gallons per year:
Offshore drilling-15 million-operational discharge and spills possibly caused by hurricanes.
Big Spills-27 million-large oil tanker spills
Natural Seeps-62 million-natural seepage from the ocean floor and erosion of sedimentary rocks
Up in Smoke-92 million gallons-refers to cars and industries polluting the air with hydrocarbons which are washed down into the oceans by rain.
Routine Maintenance-137 million-this comes from bilge cleaning and other ship operations such as cleaning the ships engine.
Down the Drain-363 million-used engine oil and land run-off from industries ending up in our watersheds and eventually making their way into our oceans.
For Oil Convenience Sites, call 540) 347-6810 for specific locations.
These sites collect bagged household trash and recycled items. A current Fauquier County sticker or special exception permit is required for admittance to these facilities.
Recycling Chart
Drop Off Recycling and Convenience Sites
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Recycling Information Line
Catlett Site
Rt. 796 near Rt. 28
Rd. off Rt 29 Bypass
Markham Site
Rt.688, .3 mi south of Rt 66
Marshall Site
Rt. 55
1.3 mi east of Marshall
Morrisville Site
Rt 637 .2 mi west from Rt 17
New Baltimore
Rt 29 at Country Store on Rt 693
Remington Site
Rt 29 Bus. next to Andes Market
Motor Oil & Anti-Freeze
oil only
oil only
oil only
Hours of operation for Catlett, New Baltimore, Marshall, Markham, and Morrisville Convenience Sites:
Monday, Tuesday: 7am to 3pm
Thursday, Friday: 7am to 3pm
Wednesday: 11am to 7pm
Saturday, Sunday: 9 am to 5 pm
Directions to Bingham landfill in Warrenton:
1: Start out going EAST on W LEE HWY / US-211 E / US-29 BR N toward BRANCH DR. 0.7 miles Map
2: Merge onto US-15 S / US-29 S toward US-17 S / CULPEPER / FREDERICKSBURG 3.0 miles Map
3: Turn LEFT onto LORD FAIRFAX DR (Portions unpaved) which takes you into the landfill. 0.4 miles Map
4. End at 8477 Bingham Rd.
For more information, see http://botbrains2005.blogspot.com
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